Monday, May 27, 2013

ScHoOls OuT !!!

On the last day of school this year we took the boys to the drive inn to see Epic, the new Disney movie.  It was a lot of fun!  We went with our friends, the Wilde's.  Leslie, Jason, Jaycee, Colter, Hadlee, Gage and Lanie.  We love that family!  We got to the Motor Vu at 6pm to make sure we had a good view, so we had a lot of waiting to do till 9.  We filled the time playing frisbee, jump rope and playing with a sky ball.  When the movie finally started Colter and Kaden I think slept thru the whole movie (teenagers...). Dallin and the others camped out on a air mattress in the back of Trav's truck.  I think all but little Lanie made it thru the whole movie without crashing :)

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