Monday, May 27, 2013

Fly With the Flock

So this year I decided to bring Kaden along to run some 5ks with me.  I have only ran two this year and they both were on the same weekend.  I would not suggest doing that, we were so tired, but it was really fun.  Dallin and Trav would have come too but Dallin had LAX stuff going.  Anyway, I had a goal this year to run a 5k under 30 min.  I did it, 28:47 or something like that, at the Colt Stampede put on by our school PTA.  It was awesome, but crap I felt like I was sprinting.  The next morning Kade and I went and ran Fly With the Flock at the Ogden Nature Center, I have ran this race the last 3 years, it is one of my favorites.  I wasn't able to get under the 30 min here, but something to shoot for next year.  It is a bit more difficult running on trails then on pavement, so I have to work on running a little quicker on trails.  It kicked my butt!  Kaden rocked it up as you can see on his runners card below.

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