Monday, May 27, 2013

ScHoOls OuT !!!

On the last day of school this year we took the boys to the drive inn to see Epic, the new Disney movie.  It was a lot of fun!  We went with our friends, the Wilde's.  Leslie, Jason, Jaycee, Colter, Hadlee, Gage and Lanie.  We love that family!  We got to the Motor Vu at 6pm to make sure we had a good view, so we had a lot of waiting to do till 9.  We filled the time playing frisbee, jump rope and playing with a sky ball.  When the movie finally started Colter and Kaden I think slept thru the whole movie (teenagers...). Dallin and the others camped out on a air mattress in the back of Trav's truck.  I think all but little Lanie made it thru the whole movie without crashing :)

Fly With the Flock

So this year I decided to bring Kaden along to run some 5ks with me.  I have only ran two this year and they both were on the same weekend.  I would not suggest doing that, we were so tired, but it was really fun.  Dallin and Trav would have come too but Dallin had LAX stuff going.  Anyway, I had a goal this year to run a 5k under 30 min.  I did it, 28:47 or something like that, at the Colt Stampede put on by our school PTA.  It was awesome, but crap I felt like I was sprinting.  The next morning Kade and I went and ran Fly With the Flock at the Ogden Nature Center, I have ran this race the last 3 years, it is one of my favorites.  I wasn't able to get under the 30 min here, but something to shoot for next year.  It is a bit more difficult running on trails then on pavement, so I have to work on running a little quicker on trails.  It kicked my butt!  Kaden rocked it up as you can see on his runners card below.

Grandma Jean

Here and there I will snap a photo of Grandma and I.  I love spending time with her on Wednesday's and taking her to Relief Society.  She really seems to enjoy it.  There are some really cute ladies there and sometimes the spirit is just so strong.  A couple of weeks ago while we were eating dinner the nurses at the table behind me started to kind of laugh.  So I turned to see what was going on and one of the little ladies named Violet said she didn't want to eat until a prayer was said on the food.  So everyone at the table let her pray.  It was so cute!  And then, there is this darling little lady that looks just like a baby bird, she eats like a bird too!  I have never seen her really eat anything but Corn Flakes.  Anyway, she was sitting by another lady that slid over close to her to help her eat her dinner.  She was feeding her just like a baby.  It was really precious to see.  It has been fun getting to know the little ladies there.  It is sad sometimes too to think about the lives they use to live and where they are at now, but they are in a good place with great people to help take care of them.
     Grandma is doing good for the most part.  She seems to remember me each time I come, she never can remember where it is that we are going each week, but once we get there she remembers and loves to give everyone hugs :)  This past week she had all her top teeth removed.  I got to go and help Becky take her and wait for her to be done.  I am really glad I got to go and help.  Grandma was a trooper and did so good.  I haven't heard how things are going with her new dentures yet - but hopefully she will love her new teeth!

Dallin's Hero

Dallin's 5th grade class did an End of Year Program this year.  It was a Patriotic program, where they sang and had some videos.  I have it recorded and hope to send a DVD to you Mom, Dad and Leesa :)  Anyway, for one of the videos the kids had to send in a photo of who their Hero was.  Dallin choose his Dad which I thought was pretty cool!  He sure loves his Dad and always talks about how he wants to grow up to be just like him :)


Dallin just finished another season of LAX this Spring.  His team did really good making it all the way to the semi-finals this year.  They lost that game 4-1.  Dallin is getting really good.  He spends a lot of his time playing in the front yard with his stick and goal.  This week he and a couple of friends are going to try out for a comp team called Advantage.  It should be a really good experience for him if he makes it, which we totally think he will!  It is good to see him find something he really enjoys and spends a lot of extra time doing to get better.


Wow!  It has been too long since I updated our Blog.  Here is a fun photo back on Easter Day this year.  Each Easter the boys get new church stuff.  Dallin picked out the ties this year!  They are too handsome  and getting waaaaaaaaaaay too big!