Saturday, November 3, 2012


So I was going through some old albums and looking on Trav's phone and came across these photos of Kaden. One is a pic of Kaden and Cody Child. I love it! These 2 have been buddies since kindergarten. I can't believe how fast that time has gone! They are going to be 14 this coming year. The other photo is one we took on a Bball trip to Idaho. It was a fun memory for us and Kaden and a reminder to us how far he has come playing Bball. We miss several of the boys in this photo but have such great memories to hold on to and remember and be thankful for.

1 comment:

  1. This is how I remember your boys... little. I spent so much more time with them when they were little that I still think they are small... until I see you guys and realize they are taller than me now! I miss you guys so much and it makes me so sad that I miss out on their lives. We love you guys, give them a hug from us!!!
