Tuesday, December 25, 2012


Dallin got a Rice Krispy treat train kit that he put together on Christmas Eve. He can't eat gingerbread so he was super excited about it. He made the leftovers into balls for Santa :). On Christmas Day we got to enjoy the company of our family friends - The Lamar's. Becky was able to join us and Grandma and Grandpa Belnap came too.

Merry Christmas!!

Here are a couple of photos of he boys just shortly after they awoke us at 6:00 AM!! I love that they still get excited about Christmas :). Dallin got a new iPod from Santa and Kaden some BYU Skullcandy headphones.

The Melting Pot

So we had this great idea to take the boys to a fun place to eat on Saturday before Christmas and then to go see the lights at Temple Square. We had never been to the Melting Pot before but had heard how fun and yummy it was. We had a great time and 200 bucks, yes, 200 bucks later we were stuffed and happy. It took just over two hours to enjoy our 4 course fondue meal and thus we didn't get to see the lights. We hope to catch them maybe one day after Christmas :).

We made it!!

Just in time for Christmas - we were able to get the kitchen and living room together enough to enjoy the holiday. We love our new stuff! Still have odds and ends to finish like some touch up painting and laundry room updates but we are almost there. Next project.....finishing the basement. Target date - Trav's Bday which is mid January.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Remodel Funnies

It has been important to keep things in perspective during this remodel, which I have been terribly unsuccessful at at times.  However, the other morning as Dallin and I were eating breakfast on our make-shift table I just had to pause for a photo that we can look back on and remember :)  The photo below is also of Dallin.  He came home from school on Friday and this is how we found him - completely crashed on the living floor!  Poor kid was exhausted.

Kitchen Remodel

This week on the remodel agenda was the kitchen.  This has probably been the most difficult and challenging part for me.  It certainly has made us appreciate the little things in life - like a kitchen sink :)  Travis has worked hard this week trying to get this part of our life back together as quickly as possible and it is looking like for Christmas we will have our sink!  Yeah!!  

Monday, December 10, 2012

Funny Face Photos

So on Thanksgiving we sent the silly picture of the boys to the family wishing them a Happy Turkey Day and the girls sent us a funny photo back! Love those girls so much and miss them like crazy!!

Dallin's Birthday

I cannot believe our baby is 11 today! We love him so much and are so proud of him and the young man he is becoming. Happy Birthday Bugs!

Dallin - Arrow of Light

Dallin received his Arrow of Light award in the Cub Scouts this past week.  On December 6th.  He was so excited and we are so proud of him and his efforts.  We also appreciate his scout leaders for all their dedication and efforts as well in helping Dallin progress in scouting.

We were glad Grandpa and Grandma Stuart could come support Dallin.

This is Dallin's Scout leader, Carol Earl.  She was his Webelo leader.  The other boy is Gavin, he has the same birthday as Dallin.

In this photo is Patty Thompson - she was Dallin's leader for two years for Bears and Wolves.  She was great as well!  Dallin loved his leaders!

Our New Motto:

Upstairs tile removal and hardwood install

New washroom tile floor.  We will have a stackable unit.  On the right will be shelves and laundry cupboards :)

Sheet rock


Here are a few pictures when we began the finishing of our basement project.  This part was not too bad.  The rest to follow has been a different story.  I have been pretty patient with the whole process until today when I walked into my kitchen and the amount of white dust and sawdust that covers every inch of my house kind of got to me.  BUT I try to stay focused on the ending result and I truly am grateful to Travis and Justin and Dale and all the other helpers on our house and I am especially grateful for my bedroom that I can escape too!  It is going to be wonderful in the end, but is quite an overwhelming task to undergo, especially during the holidays! 

Saturday, November 3, 2012


So I was going through some old albums and looking on Trav's phone and came across these photos of Kaden. One is a pic of Kaden and Cody Child. I love it! These 2 have been buddies since kindergarten. I can't believe how fast that time has gone! They are going to be 14 this coming year. The other photo is one we took on a Bball trip to Idaho. It was a fun memory for us and Kaden and a reminder to us how far he has come playing Bball. We miss several of the boys in this photo but have such great memories to hold on to and remember and be thankful for.

Cami's class Halloween pic

Every year I take the same photo of my class after an exhausting party =]. They are wearing spider hats we made. I have a crazy class this year. They have soooooo much energy! I am amazed at what they are learning because I spend most my day trying to get them to listen...I all but have to sing dance and do cartwheels :). I am quite glad Halloween has been here and is gone!!

Trick or Treat with Grandma

On Halloween Dallin and I and Becky went to visit Gma and sit with her as she handed out candy. They put all the residents downstairs in the dining room in a big half circle. The old people there are so cute - I love going to see Gma every week, yet it is kind of sad too. Gma was fun to be with and she was so cute with all the kids. It was funny cuz she made all the kids turn and wave at Becky so she could get a picture of them. I also have some funny video of her dancing to the music. I'll try and post it later when I get to my computer. Visiting each week is one of my favorite things to do. I don't like leaving Gma and I think about her a lot between visits. It was just really nice to see her smiling and having an enjoyable time.


We had a busy and fun Halloween this year. This year we decided to dress up as characters from the movie Despicable Me. Trav was Gru and I was his arch enemy Vector. The boys were Grus little minions. Dallin and I both won awards for our costumes at our ward party, and Trav's chili won 1st place in the chili cook off =]