Sunday, August 18, 2013


I was soooooo scared to do this, but soooooo glad we did it!  Definitely something we will never forget!  We kayaked through some neat caves and right out to a nesting spot of some sea lions.  We were only a few feet from them.  We got to hold a starfish pulled right off of the sea cave wall and held a jellyfish.  The boys even tried eating some seaweed.  Some of it is ediable - who knew?   The boys rode together in a kayak and Trav and I together.  The boys fought about how to paddle, and when to paddle, and who was not doing this and that right.  Obviously they need to spend more time together in confined areas so they learn to get along!!!  No, it was quite funny actually.  Trav and I got pushed into one of the cave walls as the tide was coming in out and almost fell out!  It was scary - but I am so glad I didn't go in.  The water here was filled with so much seaweed.     

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