Friday, March 29, 2013

The City Day 1

On our first trip to the city we got to see the Manhattan temple.  It looks just like an office building with Captain Moroni on top.  We did get to go inside for a bathroom break and visit the chapel on the 3rd floor.

I could not believe how HUGE the Museum of Natural History was.  It was really fun to find things inside the museum that were in the movie "Night at the Museum."  It was kind of overwhelming.  I think you could take one day per floor to see and enjoy everything.

Of course we had to try out one of the many hot dog stands that line the city.  

Want some gum gum, dumb dumb?  Lol. It was fun to find this guy in the museum.

Riding the subway was an adventure.  
So down near Times Square they have all these people dressed as various characters.  Mickey came up to us asking for a photo...we said yes and then thank you and he was like..."Where's my tip?"  I learned something new that day....nothing is for free in NYC!

Grandma and Grandpa took us to this yummy restaurant called Juniors.  They had YuMmY cheesecake.  

Here we are in Times Square.  It reminded me of a mini Vegas.

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