Friday, March 29, 2013

The City Day 1

On our first trip to the city we got to see the Manhattan temple.  It looks just like an office building with Captain Moroni on top.  We did get to go inside for a bathroom break and visit the chapel on the 3rd floor.

I could not believe how HUGE the Museum of Natural History was.  It was really fun to find things inside the museum that were in the movie "Night at the Museum."  It was kind of overwhelming.  I think you could take one day per floor to see and enjoy everything.

Of course we had to try out one of the many hot dog stands that line the city.  

Want some gum gum, dumb dumb?  Lol. It was fun to find this guy in the museum.

Riding the subway was an adventure.  
So down near Times Square they have all these people dressed as various characters.  Mickey came up to us asking for a photo...we said yes and then thank you and he was like..."Where's my tip?"  I learned something new that day....nothing is for free in NYC!

Grandma and Grandpa took us to this yummy restaurant called Juniors.  They had YuMmY cheesecake.  

Here we are in Times Square.  It reminded me of a mini Vegas.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

New York 2013

For Spring Break we went to visit Grandpa and Grandma Hohosh in New York. They live in a little town called Highland Falls, their Mission Hut as they call it overlooks the Hudson River. It was so good to see them and to see what mission life for them has been like.

China Town & Little Italy

On our last visit to the city we got to visit China Town and Little Italy. It reminded me a lot of Tiawana in Mexico. There were little shops everywhere and the fish markets were a sight to see. They were stinky!! Really! Live toads to buy and eat! I have lived a sheltered life...:).

Palisades Mall

Not too far from Grandpa and Grandmas there was a huge 4 story mall called the Palisades. It was fun to wander the shops, but Dallin and Dad were brave enough to climb on this huge 4 story jungle of ropes and bridges and beams. It looked really fun and they had a blast! Kaden and Mom were too chicken - we hate heights!!

Grand Central Station

What an adventure! We had the chance to ride the train into Grand Central Station. It was very neat to see an operating train station. I loved all the fun treat shops and food court. It was a crazy busy place!

Abbey's Nature Trail

One thing that Abbey remembered most about visiting gpa and gma was what she called "The Nature Trail." She was so excited to show us and it really was a fun walk. NY has some really cool bridges - in the photo below we are looking back at the Bear Mountain bridge.

Black Night LAX

Dallin was so excited to be able to go the Black Night ARMY LAX game. They kicked butt, we enjoyed being together, cuddling under blankets and eating popcorn. Don't you think Grandpa looks awesome? It really was so cold - I would have worn a silly hat too to stay warm :)

West Point Academy

Grandpa had a friend, Sherman Fleek who just happened to be the historian for West Point, take us on a tour. West Point reminded me of Hogwarts Castle in Harry Potter :). It was neat to hear a bit about the school and it is full of so much cool history! I think my favorite place was the chapel - and not just because it was warm (it was freezing that day)!

Good Pizza and Family :)

Grandpa and Grandma took us to one of the best pizza places ever - Primas, in Cornwall NY. It was just a tiny place full of character and awesome pizza. It made it even more fun to be with family.

Day 2

Today was one of my favorite days in the city. We got to ride the Staten Island Ferry and catch a view of the Statue of Liberty. It was really neat to look back and see the city from the ferry. We were able to catch a great photo of all of us together. It was a moment to remember for sure.

We were grateful for the chance to visit Ground Zero and remember those who lost their lives on that tragic day in 2011. The memorial is beautiful and the feeling their is very hallowed. It was neat to see the construction of the new Trade Center buildings as well