Friday, February 15, 2013

Powder Mountain

Monday, Dallin and I sluffed school and went skiing at Powder Mountain.  It was so much fun and was soooooo beautiful.  I forgot how much fun it was to ski there.  I don't think I had been there since I was in high school!  Funniest thing happened to Dallin and I, wish the cameras had been rolling because we so could have won America's funniest.  We went to get on this lift where you grab a pole and put it between your legs and it will pull you up the mountain, well first they stopped the lift before Dallin got on to make a repair so the line of people ended up being so long behind us.  Dallin goes to get on and his board flips funny and down he goes and it drags him a bit up the hill as the ski lift guy and I are screaming let go Dall!  Then as I am trying to help him the pole behind hits me in the back of the head and the guy is like are you okay?  I was fine till I tried to grab and hold on to the ****** pole.  Down I went!  It was so embarrassing!  We picked ourselves up, took of the skis and board and marched down the trail having to eventually ski down this steep hill with powder to our knees!  I was laughing so hard I couldn't even ski without crashing.  It was terribly funny!    

1 comment:

  1. Oh I needed this laugh tonight!!! LOL!!! I can totally picture it and I can't stop laughing! Gotta love the skiing out takes.
