Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Scope #2

Just getting ready to head in for his scope =]. He was rocking in his purple and blue stars!!
Just a quick update....I'm a little late in posting this.  The findings from Dallin's scope were very positive.  Everything has healed nicely and looks so much better, and we got the news that all the eosinophils (allergy induced white blood cells) are all cleared up in his esophagus.  Yeah!  The current plan is to reduce his intake of his inhaled steroid to 4 times a day down to 2.  So far so good.  I think we will go to once a day in November and then take him completely off that inhaler in December.  If things go well with him being of the medicine we will most likely start giving him allergy shots for all the pollen related allergies he has.  The doctors think there may be a good chance that by treating the pollen allergies is may also help with the food allergies.  I know Dallin would really like to be able to have not such a restricted diet anymore :)

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