Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Scope #2

Just getting ready to head in for his scope =]. He was rocking in his purple and blue stars!!
Just a quick update....I'm a little late in posting this.  The findings from Dallin's scope were very positive.  Everything has healed nicely and looks so much better, and we got the news that all the eosinophils (allergy induced white blood cells) are all cleared up in his esophagus.  Yeah!  The current plan is to reduce his intake of his inhaled steroid to 4 times a day down to 2.  So far so good.  I think we will go to once a day in November and then take him completely off that inhaler in December.  If things go well with him being of the medicine we will most likely start giving him allergy shots for all the pollen related allergies he has.  The doctors think there may be a good chance that by treating the pollen allergies is may also help with the food allergies.  I know Dallin would really like to be able to have not such a restricted diet anymore :)

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Kaden's "My Plate" Assignment

Kaden has a health class at school.  For one of his assignments he had to create a meal for his family.  Here is what he came up with for us on Sunday.  It was quite tasty :)  Each part of the plate represents a different food group.  Grains, protein, vegetable, fruit, and dairy.  Now wouldn't it be something if we ate like this everyday.  Ha Ha!  

WSU Homecoming Game

On Saturday we took the boys to the WSU football game.  It was really fun!  My friend Lyndsay invited us up for a tailgate dinner just before the game.  It was yummy.  We had BBQ ribs and chicken.  Travis ran into his buddy Greg Cypers and his wife Nicole.  Nicole works for AFCU and had 2 VIP tickets that she gave to Kaden and Dallin so they got to have more dinner and treats in the VIP tent.  They thought that was pretty cool.  WSU did not end up winning, but it was a good game.  I think the score was 32 to 27.  


What a goober! Thought I would post a quick update on Dallin as he has some important medical tests coming up.  On Wednesday Dallin has a follow up scope to check the progress of healing in his esophagus. In February we found out that Dallin has what is called, eosinophilic esophagitis, which is a swelling and inflammation in the esophagus caused by allergies.  He has been on medication since February and after visiting a allergist has been on a elimination diet that includes all grain but rice and rye as well as peanuts, peas, carrots and bananas.  In the beginning this was a big adjustment  for Dallin as well as our family.  However, we are soooo grateful for so many products that are available at health food stores and gluten free stores that make Dallin's food life a little more bearable.  Here are a few of Dallin's favorite things (I love that he is tries to focus on the things he can have rather than what he can't).  He loves UDI's brand rice bread, it actually is really good.  We were so excited the other day when we found a regular size loaf.  It use to only come in a small loaf with about 12 slices or so and the cost was about 7 dollars, the large loaf has about 24 or so slices and costs 12 dollars.  We have also been able to find pizza crust he can have as well as tortillas (YEAH!, these were such a pain to make from scratch).  You know the big pink sugar cookies?  Well, they make those too, a rice flour version.  They are pretty good.  That is a fun treat we usually pick up when we visit the health food store every couple of weeks.  Dallin's biggest excitement came last week when we found in the frozen foods at the gluten free store, a pumpkin pie!!  I am excited for sure - I have learned how to bake with rice flour and I could make pie crust, but hey, if someone else can do it and it tastes just as good or better, I am in!  I have been proud of Dallin's attitude during this change in his life.  We have seen a remarkable change in his overall energy and excitement about life.  He doesn't seem so tired or run down anymore.  We are hoping for good results tomorrow.  I think what we would like to see is Dallin to be able to come off some, if not all his medications.  We have a big decision to make in regards to his pollen allergies, he may begin immunotherapy here in the near future.  We love this little guy so much and want him to be the healthiest and happiest he can be!  We will keep you posted....thank you for your thoughts and prayers in his behalf.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Brigham City Temple

I forgot to post this earlier =]. We took the boys to the Open House the day before school started here. The temple is very small but so pretty!


When we were in Wisconsin this summer we got to eat at Buffalo Wild Wings I think about 4 times in a week =]. The boys loved it! Today was the opening day of Buffalos in Layton! It was worth the wait ( we waited an hour to get seated and then almost another hour to get our food ). Hopefully their service gets better =]. Yummy!!!!