Sunday, July 21, 2013

Hot Summer Days

It has been a super hot summer this year and the boys have loved hooking up the hose and jumping on the tramp.  So fun!  I remember doing that.  Oh....Dallin wanted me to tell you that he learned how to do a back flip this year on the tramp too.  Oh... and I, Cami, can still do one (even if I might pee just a little, LOL :)

Bathing Beauty

Dallin totally loves taking baths in our big tub.  I heard him call me one night so I went in to see what he was up to and this is what I found...


These last few weeks of summer we start to get a bit restless.  It is like the calm before the storm.  Once we hit August we get sooooo busy with football and school, and then Dallin will also be doing LAX as well! Yikes ;)  It is all good, and lots of fun, but very busy.  I took the boys bowling a week or so ago. It was quite comical.  Not one of use come too close to 100.  One funny moment was when Kaden decided to roll the ball backwards between his legs and he totally got a strike!  It was funny :)

Happy Slurpee Day 7-11-13

We stood in line at our local 7-11 for a free small slurpee!  It was yummy!  

Happy 4th

It was a pretty lonely 4th this year.  It was just Kaden and I.  Trav and Dallin were at Scout Camp.  I invited our neighbors down for dinner and Kaden put on a firework show for us in our driveway.  It was simple and low key, but nice to spend time with the Bingham clan.

Heidi and Amy
Trina and Alex - who is totally not shy!  He gets to be in my Kindergarten class this year ;)
 Pyro Kaden

Kade and Mom

While Trav and Dallin were at Scout Camp Kaden and Mom got to spend a week together.  One day we went up to the outlet mall in Park City and did some school shopping for Kade.  The boys each get $250 to spend on shoes and clothes for the school year.  Kaden spent all his money in one shot at the Nike store :)  He got two pairs of shoes though for 100 bucks - that is a pretty good deal for size 10.5!  We also got to eat lunch with Uncle Riley and then we went over to Park City Mountain Resort and rode the Alpine Slide.  It was a lot of fun and very exhausting!  I love taking "sleepy" pictures of my family!   

Monday, July 1, 2013

Our Little Scout

Dallin has been to a lot of Scout camps over the years, but this time he is an official Scout!  He gets to spend 1 week at Camp Newfork and Trav gets to be there too which helps Mom not to worry too much :). Today is Monday and I miss them terribly already!  Saturday won't come fast enough :) 


Every summer we try to visit Pineview with friends from our neighborhood.  We had a great time a couple of weeks ago.  We played a lot in the sand because it was really windy most of the day and that made it kind of chilly.  In the photo with Kade is a super cute little guy named Cash,  Dallin worked on building a cool sea turtle for quite awhile.  Then towards the end of the day the boys buried themselves under towels and we put food on them trying to entice the seagulls.  It was so funny!!  The seagulls actually ate off both of them.  It was quite entertaining :)

Waterfall Canyon