Monday, August 20, 2012

Green Belt!

Dallin was made a green belt today in karate. He has been taking just over 4 years. We are so proud of his hard work and effort! I think he is about 5 or 6 belts away from getting his black belt. His new goal is to try and get it before his mission =].
August 2012

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Day at the "Beach"

Each summer before school starts we try to make a visit to Pineview. We had a great time today enjoying the sun and water and being with great friends =]. Kaden always does something fun in the sand...this year his friend Cort and him made a sea turtle =].

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Weber County Fair

We took Dallin to the fair. We got to see the World's Largest Pig. His name was Harley and he weighed just over 1200 pounds! Then we got to see the World's Smallest Horse it was funny! We also went to a hypnotist show. The best part was watching Dallin run inside this giant hamster ball on top of water. It was hilarious! I posted a short video of it on Facebook. So, where is Kaden you are wondering? Friends are cooler than us at the moment, he chose to go to a party =].

Sunday, August 5, 2012


So we decided to take one last adventure as a family before our weekends become consumed with football. We had a blast in Midway =]. We ended up renting a four-seater Razor and rode the mountains for 3 or so hours. It was awesome! After riding we drove into town for an ice cream at a fun little stop called Fill Em Up - that is where we took the funny pictures of the boys. Then we headed back to Zermatt Resort for a swim before dinner. Sunday morning we enjoyed breakfast on the patio of Fannys Grill and took a walk around the Homestead Crater. It was nice to be together =].